Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More LDS sayings.

Times change but the Gospel is forever.

Leave the mysteries of godliness to God. 

Let the brethren set the agenda for the Church.

Confine your pet theories to your pets.

Hearken back to first principles; simplify your faith.

Compromise your opinions not your principles.

Choosing to follow a good example is an act of free agency.

You can control what you consider, and you can choose what you believe.

Instead of fretting over the details of church history, find a neighbor to help.

You can understand what the atonement does for you, and requires of you, without needing to understand how it was done by the Savior.

Don't expect heavenly support if you take a position contrary to the leaders of the Lord's church.

There are no mysteries about what you should do; you should keep the commandments.

Moral agency isn't free but was won at great cost following an epic battle.

Yielding to temptation is weak and easy; keeping the commandments takes strength and is hard.

Now that you know better, any sins you commit add to the Savior's burden in the atonement.

The continued goodness and vitality of the modern LDS Church evidence that it is still approved of the Lord.

When it comes to sin, don't have experiences to learn from.

Try to avoid having strong opinions about things that don't really matter.

Don't judge the Church on the basis of what you would do if you were in charge; be thankful the Lord is in charge and rest assured that he does have all the facts.

When the Church publishes the principles of the gospel, there is no need to look anywhere else; anything new will come from the prophet.

The Holy Ghost will help us divide the light from the darkness in our lives.

The doctrines, principles, covenants, and ordinances of the Church are not the place to show your individualism.

There is great power and safety in sticking with what the church publishes; there is no need to look elsewhere for anything religious.

Great power will arise in the Church as we strive to achieve a unity of faith based on a common understanding of the doctrines of the Gospel, as set forth by the prophet.

We wouldn't need a prophet if all we needed to hear is what we already thought.

Important things don't have to be the same to be equal.

The rewards of heaven must be earned by effort; don't expect a reward if you have been indifferent to the commandments.

A child can't be expected to rationally choose a religion unless he or she has been taught and has experienced religion.

If you agree to teach a lesson, don't teach something else, such as what you think the lesson should have been.

If you don't want to keep the commandments, don't expect the blessings that come from obedience.

It is a privilege to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; treat everything about it with respect.

You shouldn't have your own "take" on the gospel; you should wholeheartedly embrace all that the current prophet teaches.

Do more than you say, and say less than you think.

Never pass up a chance to keep quiet about something that doesn't really matter.

Take a stand against sin and temptation and anyone who promotes such things. 

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