Sunday, July 3, 2011

More Sayings 3

Offer prayer when you are worried or depressed.

Be like your children when they are being like the Savior; lovingly correct them when they are not.

Life is a necessary detour on the road to heaven.

The formalities of religion help both to provide a structure for the meek and to teach humility to the strong.

Sometimes you have to wait for things to get good; you can do something else good while you are waiting.

You can't hide from God or yourself.

Don't wait for your neighbor to be robbed before being a Good Samaritan.

The power of acting on behalf of others extends all the way from the Savior's redemption to the Primary nursery.

Try to learn the tough lessons of life on your own without having to learn the hard way.

Help your neighbor look for what is lost, then rejoice with them when it is found.

Follow a good example to become a good example.

Most people are neither wicked nor disobedient; they just don't know any better.

Stand up against that which is wrong.

Any authority that can be delegated should be delegated, accompanied by appropriate accountability.

The God of this earth is Jesus Christ, not Satan.

Properly delegated authority is just as good as the original authority.

Responsibilities come and go, but testimony should continue to increase.

In the Church, do what you are asked, regardless of what you have done before.

If you are relying on a technicality, you have probably missed the point.

Rest in heaven may consist of working hard but not getting tired.

View the big picture, but work in your neighborhood.

If time is getting short, focus on what is most important; in fact, always focus on what is most important.

Get organized; it will be a good skill to have in the hereafter.

Good advice can come from anywhere; keep an open mind.

The punishment for sin probably won't be to just hang around with people who enjoy the same sins you do.

If you want to avoid being punished for your sins, repent and don't do them again.

If you need something to be grateful for, be grateful you didn't live just about any time before now.

Don't be surprised if kids act their age; that is their job.

If you want to be listened to, make sure you know what you are talking about.

Sometimes it is very hard not to be discouraged; pray for help and then do the best you can until you feel better.

There is a fine line between living a robust life and being a darn fool.

Give everyone the benefit of the doubt since we have no idea what burdens each person carries and what good they do.

We must be the leaven of righteousness that leavens the whole lump of the world to keep the earth from receiving the punishments most of it deserves for the rampant evils all about.

The great majority of people on earth know nothing of the Church or the Savior, and are neither wicked nor rebellious; merciful provision is made in the plan of happiness to save and redeem these people, either in this life or in the life to come.

The truth of the gospel does not depend on what happens to you or your family, and you should not link them.

The Savior suffers with us when we suffer and will comfort us if we are faithful to him.

We pray to align ourselves with God, not to instruct him of our needs.

Righteous living is its own reward, but we all have to die sometime, of something.

The Lord has the big picture because all things past, present, and future are continually known to him.

Try to appreciate and understand the Father's plan instead of suggesting changes.

Your personal plan should include all parts of the Father's plan for you; resolve any differences in favor of the Father's plan.
Life seems to speed up because each successive day is a smaller part of your total life.

You might as well get comfortable with yourself because you have a long eternity to be who you are.

If you think keeping the commandments is hard, think how hard eternal punishment for sin will be.

Keeping God's commandments leads to a happy life; you have nothing to lose.

Petty disobediences reveal lack of real commitment.

As with baptism, we need to immerse ourselves in gospel living to get the benefit.

We can't change our identity, but we can improve the type of person we are.

Jesus' life is our example; his commandments and instructions are examples of how deity operates, not just an example to follow.

We need to be careful not to confuse Jehovah's actions and reactions with Jesus' example for us to follow.

Pay attention to your prayers to discover your priorities, your desires, and the real you.

Knock off your own rough edges.

Anticipate the lessons you need to be taught, then learn them on your own.

Give yourself a good talking to whenever you need it.

Many more sayings follow.

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